Fr. Martin’s reflection on - Our Lady’s Message

25th December 2017


Our Lady of Medjugorje“Dear children,  Today I am bringing to you my Son Jesus for Him to give you His peace and blessing. I am calling all of you, little children, to live and witness the graces and the gifts which you have received. Do not be afraid. Pray for the Holy Spirit to give you the strength to be joyful witnesses and people of peace and hope. Thank you for having responded to my call.





Dear Brothers and Sisters of Medjugorje North East and beyond,

As we begin this Holy Time of a new year, may our hearts be filled with gratitude for the gift of time, and the presence of our Lady Queen and Mother of Peace with us. It is within our own times that Mary comes with her Christmas message to help bring about the new world of Peace. She comes to us as "Theotokos" or God bearer, carrying the Prince of Peace, little Jesus. 

We see in these opening words of her Christmas presence our dignity as children of the Father.  "Today I am bringing to you my Son Jesus for Him to give you His peace and Blessing." 

Mary bears him who is our Peace, He gives us His blessing.  Peace in our own hearts, in our families, and communities. This is the call of Our Lady's school, "Peace, Peace, Peace. Peace must reign between God and Man." (1981)

We know her messages so well, but they must never lose their radical call and simplicity.  They are about the purification of the soul and heart and mind.  So, may we have no lack of effort in sincerely wanting to enter into the Divine Peace Mary brings us.

The person who decides for Peace is the one who decides for Jesus and his Word.  The one who decides for Prayer, Holy Rosary, Holy Mass, Penance is the one who receives the Blessing. For the fruit of Prayer is Peace.

This is how we open our hearts to the Christ Child. May the new year be a time of renewed Prayer.  To change our lives, becoming, more forgiving, and being reconciled, are the ones who become the witnesses, people who are filled with “Peace and Hope." 

Twice Mary calls us to be “Witnesses,” and then "Joyful Witnesses." To witness to the Graces  and gifts we have received.”

The Acts of the Apostles tell us that it was from the upper room in Jerusalem, that the apostles were sent out, from where they had been praying with Mary, the Mother of Jesus.  They had to make known the Victory of the Crucified and risen Lord Jesus to all peoples.

They were armed with Divine Power, as the Church is in every age to make known the Lord. Mary as Mother of the Church comes to us again as the Star of the new Evangelisation, to encourage us in our Faith, and to bring about a new wave of Missionary zeal in the Church. 

The apostles were Joyful witnesses because they were filled with the Holy Spirit. "Do not be afraid" says Mary. Re-echoing the words, the Angel Gabriel spoke to her at the Annunciation she calls all of us to a profound nearness of her Son, a nearness that can only produce a Joyful mystery. "Pray for the Holy Spirit, to give you the strength to be Joyful Witnesses." Let us do what Mary asks. To turn with renewed devotion and attention to the Holy Spirit, and implore in each of our Lives the renewed outpouring of the Divine gifts.

We begin this new year with a message that has a deep sense of Pentecost, of Witness, and not to be afraid.

Let us be confident then that the Holy Spirit will indeed make many believers today "Witnesses of Peace and Hope”.


Come Holy Spirit,

come from the pierced side of Jesus on the Cross,

come from the breath of our Risen Saviour.

Come O Most Holy Spirit of Jesus!



​A Happy and Blessed New Year to you all

God Bless, Fr. Martin​