Fr. Martin’s reflection on - Our Lady’s Message

25th April 2018


Our Lady of Medjugorje“Dear children,  Today I am calling you to live your new life with Jesus. May the Risen One give you strength to always be strong in the trials of life and to be faithful and persevering in prayer;  because Jesus saved you by His wounds and by His Resurrection gave you new life. Pray, little children, and do not lose hope. May joy and peace be in your hearts and witness the joy that you are mine. I am with you and love you all with my motherly love. Thank you for having responded to my call.



Dear Brothers and Sisters of Medjugorje North East and beyond,

The word "New" is a word that always appeals to us. "A new car, a new house, a new dress, or a new shirt."  The word "New" denotes a fresh start, another opportunity, a different time. But in Holy Scripture we are told that Christ came to bring us everything that is truly "new." Christ himself, said St. Irenaeus, " is the Newness of the Father." Jesus is our newness, and Our Lady uses this word twice in this month's message. " Behold, I am making all things new." (Rev:21:5)

In the sacred scriptures we see this newness of God in action in the Saving work of Jesus Christ.  Our Lord's healing's, his miracles, his encounters with different people, his call to Conversion, and Repentance, were an invitation to the "newness" in this life of God. 

This month Our Lady begins, "Today I am calling you to live your "New" life with Jesus."  We received this new life when we were Baptised, but I think it also points us back to the Paschal Mystery we celebrated at Easter time, when we entered into the saving Passion, Death and Resurrection of our Saviour. This is the "New life” Mary calls us to live.  Christ is always offering us the "newness" of his Grace.  In him everything is made "New", every prayer we make, every Sacrament received in Faith, each word of Sacred Scripture, every difficult situation faced with love, opens for us the "newness" of our life in God.  It is a holy confidence Mary wants us to have in him who Saves us, and to live our "new" life with renewed fervour.  Our Lady then tells us that our Risen Saviour will give us strength, "to always be strong in the trials of life." It is to him she asks us to turn, who upon the feeble bestows Divine strength. "And, to be faithful and persevering in Prayer." 

Mary, Queen and Mother of Peace, points us to our true source of strength, her Risen Son. She wants us to focus on him when especially the trials of life overwhelm us. This means offering Jesus the gift of a loving and attentive heart in our prayers. Mary, our Mother and Teacher reminds us that it is precisely at such times of trial in our lives that we should turn to Prayer, because Jesus is Risen, and he will give us strength.

"Because Jesus saved you by his wounds, and by his Resurrection gave you new life."

St. Peter tells us, “He personally carried the load of our sins in his own body when he died on the Cross, so that we can overcome sin, for by his wounds you have been healed."(1 Peter: 2:24) 

Do you feel bitter, angry, sad, or maybe disorientated by the trials of life?  Mary tells us to look at the wounds of her Son.  It is in the Crucifix that we see them.  Look at the crucifix, take it in your hands, hold it close, like the Saints do. When we are feeling lost, sad, frightened, or in pain, let us look at our Salvation, and enter into the wounds of Jesus. "Within your wounds hide me." We pray in the 'Animae Christi' at Holy Communion.  Our Lady told us last year, that we should often take hold of the Crucifix, and ask that evil and sin have no part in us.  So, let us be like St. Thomas and touch, hold and kiss the wounds of Jesus Crucified and Risen,

"for by his wounds you are healed." (1 Peter. 24

On March 18th Pope Francis said, "When a child gets hurt, his or her mam or dad, asks to see the scratch or the bruise. They kiss it and say, ‘all better now’ Pope Francis said, he imagines God doing the same, God wants to see the wounds of his children, to touch them and heal them.  "There in the encounter of our wounds, next to the wounds of Jesus, which is the proof of our Salvation there is the tenderness of God” (Angelus address, 18th March, 2018)


Dear Friend's, as we reflect on this month's message of Our Lady, we cannot fail to think of the statue of the Risen Christ in Medjugorje. A place of great healing and peace where the pilgrims gather under the wounds of Jesus, and a stream of living water flows. Mary reminds us that it is by his wounds we are saved and given "New life”.  May we always take heart that she tells us, "You belong to me" and find our refuge and safety in the hope that comes from the wounds of her Son.


"When it seems to you that your suffering exceeds your strength contemplate my wounds." (Jesus to Sr. Faustina)


God Bless, Fr. Martin